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Online MS-Access Tutors in Varanasi

Microsoft Access is a Database Management System (DBMS) from Microsoft that combines the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine with a graphical user interface and softwaredevelopment tools. It is a part of the Microsoft Office suite of applications, included in the professional and higher editions. After completing thistutoring , you will have a better understating of MS Access and how you can use it to store and retrieve data.

An efficient means of managing data is by using databases. Information can be stored, linked, and managed using a database application such a Microsoft Office Access. In this tutoring session, you will examine database concepts, and create and modify databases and their various objects using Microsoft Office Access.

Learning Outcomes

Examine database concepts and explore the Microsoft Office Access environment.

Design a simple database.

Build a new database with related tables.

Manage the data in a table.

Query a database using different methods.

Design a form.

Generate a report.

Import and export data.

Access Basics

Design a Database

Build a Database

Work with Forms

Sort, Retrieve, Analyze Data

Work With Reports

Access with Other Applications

Manage an Access Database


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