On hearing the name of the examination, the eyebrows of the students raise. And they start feeling like a kind of burden.
Do not know in the tension of the examination, they start thinking silly questions and also stop meeting because of fear.
But this fear is not a real fear. It is only a mental state. Which not only every student but every human has to face it sometimes. Because human life is full of struggles and challenges.
I found that it happens many times that we prepare for our exams very well but we are not able to do that well in the exam and make many mistakes, due to which we feel very sad and our confidence is lacking. . Let me tell you this thing that there is a lot of difference between the art of studying and the art of giving exams.
How to prepare for exam
Success doesn’t come in a day. But, one by one day hard work and effort definitely pays off.
Therefore, before preparing for the board exam or while preparing for any competitive exam. You will prepare only by keeping in mind the study tips given below. Then you will definitely get success.
Exam Tips / How to get good marks in exams
1. Attend Regular Classes
75% attendance is mandatory to appear in the exam. This is the rule of every school board. If your attendance is less than 75% then you may be denied to appear in the exam.
Attending classes regularly and on time keeps our studies on track.
What is being taught in class, what activity is happening, how to do project work? The worry of all these works ends. And you stay up-to-date.
2. Have Enough Study Materials
You should have sufficient amount of study material according to the syllabus. Do not be careless in this matter. Anyway, students have a habit that they read only the books included in the syllabus. Apart from this, they consider other books to be a waste of time.
3. Study with Silence and Focus Mind
While studying in the class, full attention should be on the teacher. What are they saying. Every one of his words should be listened to. And if you do not understand anything, then you should ask by waiting for your turn to ask.
While taking class, keep the following things in mind, then your mind will remain calm and focused:-
- All attention should be on the black-board
- If the lecturer is walking, listen carefully
- Don’t talk around at all
- Do not joke and do childish acts with colleagues
- Avoid urinating in the middle of class
- Put full attention only in understanding the topic
4. Highlight Main Points
This work is often ignored by the students due to laziness. But, the habit of highlighting is the main thing to make notes and prepare well for the exam.
If you keep highlighting important points by hand. So while revising, there is no need to read all the content or say the entire book. You can make notes by understanding the summary of the lesson with just these highlights.
5. Make Notes
This work is often ignored by the students due to laziness. But, the habit of highlighting is the main thing to make notes and prepare well for the exam.
If you keep highlighting important points by hand. So while revising, there is no need to read all the content or say the entire book. You can make notes by understanding the summary of the lesson with just these highlights.
6. Regular Discuss with Teachers
Discussing any topic increases its scope. And our limited thinking breaks through its narrow circle and goes out of it.
Therefore, do not avoid having an open discussion on any topic with your teachers regularly. But, discuss only on the topic included in the syllabus. Don’t sit down to review rubbish and politicians or movies.
7. Test Regularly
Students think about giving tests only at the time of examinations. Solving model papers and giving mock tests before the exam is a waste of their time. But, the students who are successful in the exam always mention the mock test in their success.
So you too keep on giving regular weekly, monthly mock tests. By doing this you get many benefits. Instance,
1. The exam rehearsal will be done before the exam comes.
2. Will get experience in solving question papers
3. You will get practical knowledge of time management. By which you will get an idea of the time allotted to the questions according to the questions while appearing in the exam.
4. The restlessness in the examination hall will be known
5. What are the things to keep in mind while giving the exam? You will get information about this. Well, we have given separate information about this below.
6. How questions are asked in the exam. This is known. So that you can prepare accordingly for the questions asked in the text.
8. Teach Others
“Knowledge increases by sharing and decreases by sharing.”
We believe this to be 100% true. And would recommend you to try it too. When we are learning a subject ourselves. And give information about that topic to others. Then that subject stays in our mind for a long time. And it is remembered for a long time and clearly.
Along with this, our thinking about the topic also increases. Because by teaching others, their doubts also have to be resolved. During this, some new questions also come to the fore. Which we have never heard of before. It becomes our compulsion to find the answer of which.
But, during this answer search, our brain works more focused than before. That’s why whatever we read is remembered immediately. And also get to learn some new knowledge.
9. Start Preparation before Exams
This may sound strange to you. But, it is 100% true. Students who study from the beginning of the session. Their result is much better than other students. So, you don’t have to start preparation just before the exam. Rather, keep preparing yourselves as soon as the school starts.
If you want to prepare for the exam in less time. Then you will be disappointed. Because you will be deprived of getting desired results.
If you want a positive result, then start your preparation by assuming the exam from the beginning of the session. We have told about this in detail above. For more information, read the study tips once.
10. Download Syllabus and Read It
One of the reasons for not getting the desired number in the exam is to ignore the syllabus.
Students appearing in the merit have told that they read the syllabus well before starting their preparation. And after understanding it, make a study plan.
You also do the first thing here. Whichever exam you want to prepare well for. First of all get the syllabus of that exam. And read it at least three times. By doing this you will get the syllabus memorized.
11. Plan Your Study and Make Time Table
The course is too long. Full cover is not possible. Now you must be thinking that how do you do a study plan and how to make a good time table that can be followed?
So the simple answer to this is you study by making a time table. You will go through the course several times in a year and will be able to take enough time to revise.
12. Be Disciplined
You have made a great study plan and the time table is ready. Now from tomorrow we will start reading accordingly. Do not study only today. Then tomorrow comes. Here you repeat the promise again. In this way many days pass. But, your tomorrow does not come.
There are only so many tomorrows. He is brought. Tomorrow has to be made.
And there is only one way to bring tomorrow. That is, study according to the time table. Besides, you will never be able to bring tomorrow.
If you want to study science for 4 hours on Monday, then you have to study. no matter what happen. Do not break the rule even for a day. If you relax the study plan then everything will be messed up.
13. Revision, Revision and Revision…
You have been studying for a whole year. There is less time left in the exam. And your stress is only increasing. So what to do? Revision is the way to avoid this stress.
Yes. As the exam gets closer, so should you revise. One revision is completed, immediately start doing another revision.
With revision, things become memorized and are remembered for a long time. So you only revise at the time of exam. Do not take the risk of reading something new at all.
You can try flash cards tricks for revision. Which will prove to be very useful at the time of examination.
Flash cards are made by cutting small pieces of 2-3 inches from a card sheet.
14.Solve Model Papers
Solve as many model papers as possible and give as many mock tests as you can during the exam.
This has two main advantages apart from other benefits.
- One, you get a chance to analyze your own preparation before the exams. If something is missing, it can be rectified in time.
- Second, you get to rehearse the actual exam. Then you do not get restless while giving the exam. And get an idea of the time.
15.Take Healthy Food
Students also stop eating and drinking at the time of examination. Just keep studying, studying and studying. Other than that nothing makes sense. Yes, assuming you are worried about the exam. But the body needs energy to study. And this energy comes from eating.
Therefore, keep eating something or the other at least five to six times in small amounts throughout the day. You will not feel tired because of this. And the body will continue to be supplied with sufficient vitamins, salts and essential elements like carbohydrates. At least 2 to 3 liters of water has to be drunk. Don’t settle for less than that.
16.Take Regular Breaks
Scientific studies have proved that the average human brain can concentrate for only one to one and a half hours. That means you can focus on something. After that he wants freshness. So you follow this rule. Take regular breaks. So that the brain is ready to study without getting tired and bored.
How to take a break
You are studying 60 minutes at a time. So out of these 60 minutes, you should study only 45 minutes. Take a break for the remaining 15 minutes and go out for a walk.
With this you will be able to study and you will not get bored. The freshness of the mind will remain intact.
17. Say No to Social Media
If you are serious about the exam and want to perform well, then first of all uninstall the social media apps from the smartphone. For once this task will be very difficult. But, with your heart, tackle this important work at least three months before the examinations. If you follow the social media circle in exam time, then the way to be successful in the exam will become more clear.
Social media will stop your mind from studying. And the sound of the notification will force you to lift the smartphone. That is why it is better to get rid of it in time.
18. Be Tension Free
One of the reasons for not being able to perform according to the mind in the examinations is stress ie worry. It is often seen that students get worried during the exam. Only the ghost of examination remains in their mind. Due to this worry, he does not feel like studying even in worry.
So, what will be the result of the exam, whether you will pass or not. Top or not, the number will come in merit or not? Do not think about such unnecessary questions. You have only preparation in your hands, you can work hard. So just study diligently. And prepare for the exam with an open mind.
19.Be Confident
“The defeats of the mind are the defeats”
If you understand the meaning of these lines, then you will not have to look back again. Because only your mind can fulfill what you decide to do. So keep believing in yourself. Whatever the circumstances may come. You don’t have to bow down. Just keep your hard work and have full faith in yourself that, “Yes I can.”
20. Be Positive
You also have to always be positive and do not underestimate your preparation by small things. If there is a mistake in more than one model paper. Or if the desired result is not found in the mock test then there is nothing to worry. Keep calm and consider where you are missing. Grab the shortcoming and focus on that topic and repeat once what you do not understand. enough.
That’s why never think that I can’t pass, I’m not smart, I’m smarter than me, I’m quick in studies. Do not bring such negative thoughts in your mind even after forgetting.
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